p-shaggy: (via julia-marisalikehookers)
(via skycouldfall, changeishard)
(via knockturn)
(via papertissue)
andpizzazz: nicolesgrace: goldenhollywood: Two drifters, off...

Two drifters, off to see the world
There’s such a lot of world to see
We’re after the same rainbow’s end
Waitin’ ’round the bend
My huckleberry friend,
Moon river and me
myheroin: (via -saveyoursorryforsomeonewhoissad)
(via indiechildren)
rustykittens: (via -fuckwiththestars, crashcouture)
rustykittens: (via in—wonderland, headphonetrippers)
rustykittens: (via seladore)
(via deadgirls, dirtytrip)
entrecanibales: kprescott: (via londonsteele)
(via thechocolatebrigade)
thechocolatebrigade: in—wonderland: caseydoll: noprobllama: (...
dead-disco: bloodisthenewblackk: (via crystalmethsuperstar)
terri-em: (via lessthanashley)
rustykittens: misswallflower: (via rosettes)
nerdinlove: (via terminallychll)
akjfksgrrl: thedaintysquid: (by Lauren Deardorff)
(via fatalistpalmistry)